
yu ♥ seijou-ishi's cream caramel!

"cream caramel" from seijo-ishi...just amazing!! yu loves it!!!

location: hamamatsu/浜松

yu ♥ apple&custard taiyaki!

again!! yu was eating "taiyaki"...actually, he's been eating taiyaki everyday...but today, yu had "apple&custard"and"cream cheese". so nice!!
またもや、『たいやき』を食すマスイ。。。実は帰って来て以来毎日食べている。。。もちろん体重も2kg増加。。。でも、本日は『アップル&カスタード』と『クリームチーズ』! 美味い!!

location: hamamatsu/浜松

yu ♥ supermarket chic!

yu look stunning...wired at supermarket in yu's home town...

location: hamamatsu/浜松

yu ♥ sparkling goth!

yu's "sparkling goth" look is perfect for tsukikageya's unique deco!!

location: tokyo/東京

yu ♥ champion!

"champion" in ebisu is known as the best "yakiniku" japanese style korean BBQ. it is very popular among "pro"s. they buy whole beef and prepare meats. all part are beautiful "shimofuri"that fat spread all over meat which is thought as the most tasty way in japan. "kobe-beef" recently-known in uk is this style. champion does serve beautiful meats! and they melt in mouth!! it is one of the best "yakiniku" yu's had!

location: tokyo/東京

yu ♥ tsukikageya!

yu had day trip to tokyo for an appointment and to see very good friend, natsuki shigeta, kimono designer aka "tsukikageya". yu left hamamatsu around lunch time. then went to mitsukoshin in ebisu to get his favourite rollcake "kuromaru" from kyoto. kuromaru's black bamboo charcoal sponge& light white whipcream makes unique texture&flavour. it is just beautiful! tsukikageya has amazing shop in tomigaya just right next to yoyogi-koen. her special yukata, summer kimono, stands great in pink lights and messy deco. she has recently started "kimono range" which is made-to- order. not only kimono&yukata but tsukikageya stocks pretty accessories such as meat&dumpling necklace. tsukikageya opens unofficial bar...yu is not sure if he can write about it...every thurs night. tonight was last night for this year. her close friends&customers gathered around. then we decided to go to "yakiniku", japanese style korean BBQ, dinner. we popped in afew bars after dinner. and yu&tsukikage ended up drinking till morning. yu took first shinkansen back to hometown of hamamatsu. on his way back "mt. fuji" the highest&most respected mountain was appeared beautifully.
マスイユウはミィーティングと友人で着物デザイナー『月影屋』こと重田なつきさん(マスイは月影と呼ぶ)の忘年会に参加するために1日だけ上京した。浜松をランチタイムに出発、1時間半の旅路はすぐに終る。1つ目のストップは恵比寿の三越だ。ココでは年末まで嵐山の黒ロールケーキ『くろまる』が購入できる。少し前に自由が丘にも出店しているが、さすがにめんどくさい。くろまるはマスイの1番好きなロールケーキ。竹炭を使った真黒のスポンジとふわふわのホイップがすばらしいテキスチャーとフレーバーを生む。アポイントメントも終わり、一路、富ヶ谷にある月影屋へ。月影屋は住宅地でひと際異彩を放っている。クリエーティブな人々が集まる住宅地の一角にあるが、そのピンクのライトと混み合ったデコレーションの中で 彼女のユニークなデザインが個性的だ。最近『着物』ラインを始めた月影屋だが、浴衣や着物だけでなく『肉』や『餃子』ネクレスなど面白いアクセサリーも取り扱っている。また毎週木曜日の夜には『バー月影』(非公式)。。。果たして書いていいのか。。。がオープン。本日は『忘年会』だ。バー月影での『呑み』モ終わり、一行は恵比寿の『チャンピオン』へ移動。今年最後の焼肉を楽しんだ。焼肉の後は朝までコース。結局、マスイと月影は渋谷にあるアングラなバー『デロリ』で朝を迎える。年末ということもあるのでマスイは朝一の『ひかり』で帰省。帰り道には『富士山』がその美しい姿を現した。

location: tokyo/東京


yu ♥ japanese sweets!

yu's been eating so many sweets everyday...yu had tai-yaki again! choco cream!! yummy!

location: hamamatsu/浜松

yu ♥ croc t!

topshopXchristopher kane crocodile t-shirts became almost pyjama...

location: hamamatsu/浜松